Our prime purpose is to support our clients in creating exceptional ceremony experiences for all their attendees - graduates, members, Fellows, VIP’s and guests.
Understanding the requirements of our clients and their ceremony attendees is key. Sharing information with clients will be a high priority to enable the best planning, preparation, delivery and review of our ceremonies.
We understand that delivering this always ultimately depends on face-to-face human interactions at events. All our systems, processes, staff and energy will focus on supporting those moments.
Our systems will be reliable and easy to use, and we will strive to offer the best value for money we can, so that as many people as possible can attend the ceremonies and events we work on.
We will always be open and clear with clients so that this, our common project, is delivered.
We will strive to be:
- Courteous and respectful
- Considerate
- Keen to understand and then to help
- Part of a positive experience for attendees and their guests and our clients
- Never satisfied, always seeking improvement
These things mean we are:
- Inclusive
- Supportive
- Patient
- Professional at all times
- Clear on our goal
Practical Implications
- Open and trustworthy contacts with Marston commercial staff
- Excellent, reliable and user-friendly use online ordering systems
- Transparent, open and accurate order and event data
- Fully briefed and well-trained ceremony staff
- Staff present and active in sufficient numbers to deliver the desired levels of service
- Constructive and frank feedback and review processes to ensure future service delivery goals are met or exceeded including reviews of complaints
- We will seek improvement both in our own right and in conjunction and consultation with our clients and customers
Departmental Goals
- Excellent, reliable and user-friendly online ordering systems
- Reliable, accurate, comprehensive and accessible reports
- Operate accurate, timely and reliable ticket data and other outputs for clients
- Ensure all the physical resources required to deliver excellent ceremony experiences are available – including academic dress, photography, IT, premises, vehicles
- Procurement and manufacture of academic dress and other supplies in an ethical manner
- Ensure that physical resources are secured sustainably and company goals in this area are met
Photography Operations
- Provide excellent timely customer care by all routes of engagement (LiveChat, telephone, email, letter) before, during and after ceremonies and record outcomes (including complaints)
- Produce excellent images, prints, frames and other visual products
- Timely despatch prints and frames to customers and clients
- Build excellent open and trusting relationships with clients
- Secure from and share ceremony information with clients and agree plans
- Share information, plans and outcomes with clients, colleagues and others to ensure delivery of the required experience to attendees
- Seek and secure new clients in UK and elsewhere
Event Delivery
- Deliver excellent experiences to all attendees at ceremonies and venues using the resources, data and outputs of colleagues and clients
- Enable safe, complete and timely return of all company ceremony resources to base
- Report on ceremony outcomes and feedback (including complaints) to enable continuous improvement of services and experiences for attendees, clients and colleagues.
- Provide accurate and timely financial reporting and management information to SMT, clients and authorities
Health & Safety
- Ensure that all experiences are delivered safely and legally and all company operations are conducted in the same manner.
Human Resources
- Ensure that all Human Resources - employees, workers, seasonal staff, subcontractors – required to deliver the desired ceremony attendee experiences are available, operate under clear terms and rates, and deliver the services.
Processes, Standards and Training
- Ensuring that there are clear processes and standards for consistent delivery of excellent experiences and that all colleagues are fully and properly trained in them
- Seek improvements in processes, records and outcomes to improve delivery of experiences
- Capture, recording, analysis and reporting of complaints and service delivery failures and near misses
- Review tender and new business opportunities, understand client requirements therein, and deliver consistent clear and successful responses to targeted tenders.
- Link tenders, contracts, SLA’s, KPI’s and other outcomes to company post-contract/event delivery processes