Graduation Photography

Marston Events offers a graduation photography service for your ceremony which to bring you top quality images of your memorable occasion at competitive prices.

Using qualified and experienced professional photographers, we offer a wide range of photo packages catering for all pockets.

We use proven up-to-date digital cameras and the photographs are developed in state of the art machines and facilities. Photographs and mounts are despatched by post within 28 working days and typically much sooner.

If you have any enquiries then your order number covers both photography and gowning and will enable you to call Marston Robing where our sales team will be delighted to help. We also offer a reprint service - please call for details .

Your Graduation is also pleased to provide a wide range of photography services in addition to our standard range. These may be offered if requested by your institution.

  • Presentation photographs - the moment on the stage preserved
  • Group photographs - of years, class groups, friends and classmates, teams and staff groups
  • VIP and Officers photographs - photographs of officers of your institution and your valued guests can be arranged on request in a range of sizes and finishes
  • Roaming photography - candid and relaxed photographs taken around the ceremony and its surroundings which can be used as mementos of the event as well as marketing and promotional tools for the institution
Marston Events Logo is a portal through which you can order your graduation ceremony services for your institution. To start your order, enter the name of your college, university or institution above or login to find your existing order.